sententiae antiquae Profile picture
detritus from Greece and Rome.

Aug 29, 2021, 6 tweets

Joining @FlintDibble and @rogueclassicist and others in a call for @AntigoneJournal to drop their problematic platforming of eugenicist.

Antigone can do great work and the journal is doing a disservice to its other authors by standing behind a bad decision

All of us who move into this new, fast digital space make mistakes trying to respond and adapt. I have have RT'd some bad stuff, said stupid things, and thought better of earlier stances.

A good journal should have a public editorial board and a clear statement on where their funding comes from.

They should also consider their constituents.

I think we can go easy on anyone who took Antigone's money and did something else with it. There was nothing disingenuous there and I think we all take compromised funds in one way or another.

But @antigonejournal team, you can help us all set a standard for positive engagement by rethinking the damage that supporting that work can do.

#Cicero can take this away...

“All people make mistakes; but it is fools who persist in them”

cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis perseverare in errore

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