Vass Vassiliou Profile picture
Professor of Cardiology loving imaging, valves, prevention 🎶☕️ 🏃‍♂️ Treasurer & Exec Board EAPC, ESC - Editor @OxfordJournals🪑 #Comms & EIC NewsBeat @SCMRorg

Aug 30, 2021, 14 tweets

#ESCCongress THREAD on CVD PREVENTION. I need to start with this, seeing someone with an MI or heart failure or AF & treating them appropriately doesn’t make us great doctors. PREVENTING those does. These #ESCGuidelines help a lot to getting us there @ShrillaB @wordfinga …/3

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines on CVS PREVENTION. A 🧵. Who to assess? ANYONE AT RISK! Those with FHx, DM, HTN, high lipids AND OBESITY… don’t forget Obesity! I would also have included sedentary lifestyle! @bes502 @papathanasiou_ @MichaelPapadak2 @PMarquesVidal @DrTiberi …/4

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 It’s a lifetime risk… from birth to the end… BUT AGE & COMORBITIDY increase risk- hence the vigilance we should have to identify those at likely risk #epeeps @Abraham_RMI @cor_etc @MihaiTrofenciuc @AskDrShashank @SineadHughes19 …/5

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 The burden of CVD in Europe is high, globally might be even higher. Recommendation to assess using SCORE2 (<70 years) & SCORE-OP (>70yrs). I like these scores but remember age is a continuum risk @purviparwani @DBelardoMD …/6

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 The algorithms specify apparently ‘healthy’, those with known Heart disease and people with diabetes. They are easy & clear to follow! @AsherElad @DrMartensPhD @LoaiAlbarqouni @BudoffMd @olbaPnauJ2 @jairlevogiro @Umair2017 …/7

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 AND an acknowledgement of AIR POPULATION as a risk factor - suggestion to consider avoiding regions of high air population. I would have taken it a step further - Wear a MASK in those regions 😷 @MilenaAste @SeemaDesh2020 …/8

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 this is a specific section on AF … basically if we can assess and manage all risk factors AF will decrease & keep our EP friends less busy @dickytill @martinbahls @roxanacampisi @GeminaDB @chiarabd @cchinHEART @HEARTinMagnet …/9

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 And a table giving specific treatment goals for each category of individuals. @maksuddan @DrMartensPhD @roxanacampisi @FuEdouard @DocStrom @EM_RESUS …/10

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 A crucial recommendation for physical activity @bes502 @ErinMichos @EkateriniL @venkmurthy 150-300 mins moderate intensity or 75-150 aerobic. Clearly the more the better! & guidance on lipid management! @drdiegocosta …/11

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 And of course HYPERTENSION - first look for it and treat it - and seek expert help like that if @AnastasiaSMihai and @DrVikasKapil (and local equivalents!) and treat aggressively. And needles to say STOP SMOKING! …/12

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 and because hypertension is so important , a dedicated info gram on its management! …/13

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 and this is the final comments- worth a read that’s for sure! …/14

#ESCCongress #ESCGuidelines CVS PREVENTION 🧵 so my short summary for the guidelines? 1- assess risks, I would say even in ‘apparently’ healthy 2- treat aggressively 3- worth reading the full guideline! It is worth it! Great job from @escardio & the #EAPC @EAPCPresident …THE END

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