A thread 🧵 on #omicron#covid#mask#vaccines Almost 2 years since the initial Covid concerns, what we’ve had is governments across the world being reactive (and slowly) not pro-active. So why is this #omicron different, and what is the concern? @DrMarthaGulati@mmamas1973 /2
Multiple mutations have happened- we didn’t get from #delta to #omicron overnight, the other variant were monitored, but not alarming… and scientists kept observing… but not shouting out- now they are, time to be listened, and here are the concerns @AnastasiaSMihai@iamritu /3
Oct 24, 2021 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
It was so great to give a (virtual) talk to the Hellenic Society of Cardiology on #covid and #whycmr- hopefully next year in person with no more need 4 Covid talks! Short 🧵 on CMR use #epeeps#cardioed#echofirst#tavr#metaanalysis …/2 #covid is bad for many organs- including the heart. The role of ACE2 receptors to facilitate entry to the cells is well known! But for the heart Covid does lead to #infarction#arrhythmias#heartfailure#myopericarditis What can you do to avoid this? GET A #VACCINE
#ESCCongress has ended. A unique conference! An unforgettable conference! These are my highlights!
Firstly, an amazing DIGITAL experience... Brining everyone together, breaking all barriers, diminishing borders.
In an earlier (still ongoing) Poll from today... 77% wished to have a hybrid Digital and In Person conference... That would certainly have lots of attractions especially for those who wouldn't other be able to afford it #ESCCongress