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Architect Asst Professor @UCDDublin @UCDArch FRIAI RIBA ARB opinions my own #Housing #Architecture #Construction #CovidIsAirborne Orla-Hegarty@spéirghorm

Aug 30, 2021, 17 tweets

🇻🇳 Vietnam ‘modern field hospital for 500 #Covid19 patients’, let’s look at INFECTION CONTROL in Asia
thread with Google Translate, HT @DzungLeVN for link) 1/

‘Hospitals use ventilation one-way to avoid cross infection’ 2/

‘This is considered one of most modern facilities in Vietnam to treat #Covid19 patients. The hospital is in 3 zones
🟩 Green area- administration
🟨 Yellow area- dormitory, canteen, testing & equipment
🟥 Red area- treatment’ 3/

‘Treatment area consists of 500 beds... 9 VIP (single rooms?), 20-bed blocks for severe & critical patients, 38-bed blocks for patients with mild symptoms’ 4/

‘all project units (bed spaces) are ready to install medical equipment.. partitions, oxygen supply, monitoring camera, ventilator, AIR PURIFIER & other machines’ 5/

‘all wards are equipped with a camera system to promptly monitor patients progress. The hospital will be operated, monitored & consulted remotely’ ( to reduce risk to staff?) 6/

‘leading hospital for air conditioning to treatment rooms..one-way VENTILATION SYSTEM to limit spread of virus & prevent cross-infection

At head of bed there will be system to suck exhaust gas from patient.. specialised FILTER at air intake.. ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT to treat virus’ 6/

‘system of 360 specialised AIR PURIFIERS to decompose, inhibit mould & neutralise viruses by 99%’ 7/

‘roads around hospital marked “clean” & “unclean” lanes (low & high risk areas).. BUFFER ZONE of 69 disinfecting bathrooms & green spaces. People entering & leaving treatment area must undergo disinfection steps (again, protection of staff?) 8/

‘Liquid oxygen storage tower with capacity of 16m3 ensuring supply for all patients.. each of these towers will be sufficient for 2 days’ 9/

‘construction work 3 consecutive shifts.. “one route, two destinations” to ensure limited contact & avoid risk of infection’ 10/

‘When operational (in coming weeks) there will be 1,000 medical staff.. nearly 300 doctors & 700 nurses’ 11/

[aside: yes, the construction company really is called Delta deltacorp.vn/en/general-con… ] 12/

‘hospital is isolated from residential areas to ensure safety’ /13

‘by 29 August (yesterday), the project had completed 95% of construction..it is expected to be inaugurated 31 August & after 3 days will start accepting #Covid19 patients’ /14

foundations of the 500-bed hospital that will have patients this week were completed on 31 July 2021 (yes, 1 month ago) /15

‘Vietnam’s #Covid19 response had been one of most effective in world until recently..but surge of delta &..Vietnam is struggling to contain variant.. like most developing countries Vietnam lags behind countries that we able to secure vaccines earlier’ /END

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