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Speaking truth to power - and the angry mob. @NC5 chief investigative reporter. Chancellor Award. duPont, Peabody awards (4x). Toner Prize. Pulitzer finalist.

Aug 30, 2021, 8 tweets

NEW DATA RELEASE: Last week was a new "worst week of the pandemic" in terms of new #COVID19 cases among Tennessee's school-age children -- **13,180** -- up from 11,867 the week before and 6,474 the week prior. 1/x

With two more reporting days left, August will easily be the worst month of the #COVID19 pandemic for Tennessee's school-age children. 2/

School-age children made up 31% of all new cases last week in Tennessee - 13,180 out of 42,341 total. 3/

With two reporting days still to go, August is already the 2nd worst month of the pandemic in terms of new #COVID19 cases overall - 143,618 Tennesseans have been diagnosed with the virus. 4/

August will easily be the highest month for new reported #COVID19 deaths in Tennessee since February. 5/

Unvaccinated Tennesseans continue to make up 94% of all #COVID19 deaths. 6/

Hospitalization round-up here: 7/

And here: 8/8

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