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Aug 31, 2021, 9 tweets

This one is for YOU @bainjal

Biden currently is busy in extending his healing touch to Taliban with all his moral clarity.

Now the Afghans are praying under shelter of dark shadows, Thanks to Biden!
At face value, @VidyaKrishnan

Today, you @vinodjose must be embarrassed & feeling like a fool for being Biden's cheerleader.

Want a re-assessment over Biden's "overlook" at Human Rights and Democracy?
@dhume !!

Meanwhile, Biden facilitated Afghan MusI!ms "gen0c!de" with $8bn military aid.

..however, as-of-now Biden's diplomacy looks very messy & jumping-jacks over his presidency are feeling foolish! @srivatsayb

'Facts' about Biden/Harris gonna be revised soon, may be with these new graphics @_pallavighosh

The guy hanging to the Biden's chopper won't breath again! @vikramchandra

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