Dr.G.R.Raghavender🕉🇮🇳 Profile picture
Sr.Consultant(IPR Law), @DPIITGoI,Former Joint Secretary, DoJ, Former Registrar of Copyrights; #PhD & LL.M (IPR);MA.Public Policy @issnl;Views are personal.🚩

Aug 31, 2021, 6 tweets

@mqakhokhar Ancient Pakistan has only 75 yrs of history & Ancient India is more than 5000yr old.
#Ramayana, (Uttarakandam-XIV) refers Bharata,Hindu God Sri Rama’s brother,who built #Takkhasila(Taxila) and named it after his son Taksha,the first ruler. @KanwalSibal

#Mahābhārata :The Kuru heir Parikṣit (Arjuns's grandson)was enthroned at Takṣaśilā.Mahabharata was first recited at Takṣaśilā by Vaishampayana, to King Janamejaya,son of Pariksit & student of Vyasa,at the Snake Sacrifice/Ashwamedha yagna.#SatapathaBrahmana(R.Veda)cites Taxila.

#Buddhist Jātaka tales(5th CE) mention Taxila as the capital of the Gandhara Kingdom & a great learning center.Chinese travellers like Fa Hian & Huien Tsang speak of Takshashila in their writings. Taxila was ruled by Ancient Indian dynasties Maurya,Shunga,Gupta & Kushana.

#AncientPakistan:Muhammad Iqbal called for union of 5 Northern muslim majority units of India, viz.,Punjab,NW Frontier Province(Afghan Province),Kashmir,Sind & Baluchistan.Chaudhry Rehmat Ali coined word acronym 'Pakistan' on 28 Jan 1933. Jinnah got Pakistan created in 1947.

The region around #Taxila was settled by the neolithic era,c.3360 BCE.Early Harappan period ruins around 2900 BCE have also been discovered in the Taxila area,(Indus Valley Civilisation). We can't find Pakistani cultural ruins,a 75 year old baby in Taxila or place in the map👇😂

Find at least one name of Ancient Pakistani scholar from the list of oldest University of Takshashila(2600 year old) : Chanakya, Panini, Vishnu Sharma, Jivaka, Charaka,

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