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Speaking truth to power - and the angry mob. @NC5 chief investigative reporter. Chancellor Award. duPont, Peabody awards (4x). Toner Prize. Pulitzer finalist.

Aug 31, 2021, 7 tweets

BREAKING: Tennessee sets a new daily record for #COVID19 cases reported among children 0-10 years old, with 1,435 cases. Previous high of 1,418 was set last week. 1/

Tennessee also reports the 2nd highest daily number for new #COVID19 cases among school-age children (5-18), with 2,819 cases - just shy of last week's high of 2,837. 2/

With one more day still to go (today's numbers will be reported tomorrow), Tennessee has already reported nearly **40,000** new #COVID19 cases among school-age children in August. 3/

With 10,086 new #COVID19 cases reported in Tennessee in total, school-age children make up **28%** of that number. 4/

Today's report also includes an additional death in the 11-20 years category. 5/

For a breakdown of #COVID19 cases in Tennessee's 0-18 years age group, follow this thread 6/

And for the latest on #COVID19 hospitalizations in Tennessee, check out this thread. 7/7

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