BILAL SARWARY Profile picture
Thinking about ALL AFGHANS who get up each morning and dont have the option of just walking away from it ALL. Ind Scholar @Middlebury 2010. AFGHAN. Journalist.

Aug 31, 2021, 19 tweets

#AFG Shamali flower sellers many years ago on my way to a picnic in the Salang river valley.

Kuchis during their seasonal migration - southeastern Afghanistan 2003/4 on my way to Khost.

Salang during an avalanche 2009.

Spice shop Yakawlang bazaar Bamian on my way from Daykundi in 2017.

Afghanistan’s Grand Canyon- Bande Amir, Bamian.

Road to Daykuni from Bamian in Central Afghanistan.

View of Bamian from inside the Buddha’s complex

Gold from Raghistaan in Badakhshan.

Naghlue dam/lake - on my way to Jalalabad stopped to take a photo of this catch on the Kabul- Jalalabad highway.

Precious stones from Nuristan province deep in Eastern Afghanistan.

Rubies from Jegdalak.

Saffron, Herat.

Flying over Nuristan.

Sarobi district- half way between Kabul and Jalalabad city in eastern Afghanistan.

Khost Firang on my way with Afghan officials to Northern Afghanistan.

Systani village, outside of Marjah, during a film shoot for Vice on HBO.

Tourmaline from a trader in Kunar province.

Eastern Afghanistan.

View over hamlets in Badakhshan province during harsh winter.

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