Stephen McIntyre Profile picture

Sep 1, 2021, 16 tweets

Colin Kahl "head of planning for the Pentagon"??? @FOOL_NELSON @HansMahncke

He was apparatchik in VP Biden's office who was involved in laundering Zlochevsky and Burisma and Hunter Biden. And now he's planning Afghanistan?? No wonder it's FUBAR.

on June 7, 2016, Elizabeth Zentos and Oksana Shulyar (of Ukraine Embassy) discussed visit of Borys Lozhkin to US. Colin Kahl and Anna Macanju involved in meeting, also Eric Ciaramella. Alexandra Chalupa involved in Ukraine visit.

Anna Macanju, who was then working closely with Kahl, graduated from law school in 2004, and almost immediately got senior jobs in Biden office. She is now Global Policy Manager, Content Regulation, Facebook, a remunerative enforcement job for Democrat partisans.

Chalyi, Shulyar et al visited Kahl at White House on June 9, 2016. There was big Ukrainian meeting with Biden at WH a week later (which has attracted commentary - setup meeting with Kahl hasnt to my knowledge.)

Readers may recall Zentos' comically hostile testimony to Senate questioning about Ciaramella.…

Oksana Shulyar appears as associate of Alexandra Chalupa (and Chopivsky) in a photo in the Apelbaum article on Steele dossier connections (which didn't mention Danchenko, but did include Kieran Porter, a key link for Hmmmm)…

the Lozhin visit to US that was previewed with Colin Kahl was topic of lengthy Cyber Berkut article: see

Back to Biden loyalist Kahl. He was confirmed on April 21. He was apparently first Defense nominee in living memory to be confirmed WITHOUT a single vote from minority in Senate.…

So everything that happens after April 21, 2021 is on Kahl's watch at DOD. What was his role in decision to abandon Bagram? What was his role in reducing troop strength prior to evacuation?

Kahl's background as a young man (like most Obama officials) was as an academic and think tanker. He does not appear to have had any operating experience prior to appointment as medium senior official in staff position in Obama admin.

In other words, it appears that Kahl, the Biden loyalist placed in charge of Defense planning, had no or negligible prior experience in major operations, military or otherwise. No wonder Afghan withdrawal was so FUBAR.

@HansMahncke draws attention to many @ColinKahl tweets condemning Trump's attempt to withdraw troops from Syria. Here's another

As an editorial commentary on Trump's "withdrawal" from Syria: Trump's ATTEMPTED withdrawal from Syria was sound policy, as US involvement in Syria no longer needed or wanted by Syrian govt. US is actually protecting AlQaeda and even ISIS.

Colin Kahl is Dr. Colin Kahl, as he reminds people. While young soldiers (who were passed over in appointment of DOD Undersecretary) were learning about complicated military operations, Kahl spent 24 years in school "learning $h*t." And he'll "put his PhD" up against yours anyday

Kahl is the very model of a modern military planner.

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