Hugo Blair Profile picture
Aerospace, stocks and a little bit of art. Particularly keen on Rocketlab, I tweet about them pretty often. I generally post longer style threads

Sep 2, 2021, 8 tweets

Rocket lab is exploring in-orbit refueling of electron's second stage and photon interplanetary through a depot, and Photon to Photon refueling. RL estimates this doubles Photon's payload mass for interplanetary missions. Video link at end of thread. (1/6) #rocketlab #space $RKLB

This capability was investigated through a partnership with ETA space, whom RL is working on a demonstrator in-orbit propellant depot with that launches in 2024. ETA's full scale propellant depot could launch as soon as 2025, and could refuel second stage and Photon. (2/6)

The capability of a refueled Electron second stage is limited by the one remaining battery, as Electron jettisons the other three on ascent. Perhaps there could be changes to this procedure in the future. (3/6)

Photon to Photon refueling would involve a tanker variant of Photon that could dock with another Photon and refuel; just like a miniature Starship. (4/6)

This is simply a concept of what might happen if Rocket lab pursues in-orbit refueling. DO NOT view this as a guarantee of what Rocket lab or the other mentioned companies will do in the future. This is simply a paper. (5/6)

This video is from the Inter-Planetary Small Satellite Conference on may 3rd 2021. The video is un-listed so only 100 people have seen it. (6/6)

This chart shows that when refueling for the photon and the second stage, rocketlab can achieve payload mass 7X what they could with a singular photon.

If you liked this thread, I just published a new thread discussing my calculations for rocket lab's new reaction wheel manufacturing facility.

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