Damien Gayle Profile picture
Guardian environment correspondent, covering climate action across Europe and beyond. All opinions my own and no doubt totally wrong

Sep 2, 2021, 8 tweets

Several hundred #ExtinctionRebellion protesters blocking the road outside the Bank of England.

Today’s #ExtinctionRebellion protest is a mass breach of bail conditions, with rebels arrested over the past two weeks breaking their conditions by returning to the City of London.

“I’ve been arrested over 200 times in many different countries, I don’t think one more time is going to make much of a difference.”

Veteran peace campaigner Angie Zelter, 70, who is breaking a bail condition stipulating that she stays out of the City. #ExtinctionRebellion

“It feels quite wrong that I have been criminalised for doing what’s so logically and obviously the right thing given the emergency situation that we’re in.”

Team GB Olympian Etienne Stott MBE, who is also breaking bail conditions by joining #ExtinctionRebellion in the City.

“It seems extraordinarily petty to arrest us for obstructing when we’ve just had a summer of fires and floods and a heat dome, all over the world, because of the climate crisis.”

Simon Milner-Edwards, 64, from Manchester, whose bail conditions say he must leave the M25 area.

#ExtinctionRebellion targeted the Bank of England as a symbol of London’s financial district, through which they say flows 15% of all the world’s financing for fossil fuel projects.

Here's my story on today's #ExtinctionRebellion protest theguardian.com/environment/20…

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