Dr Duncan Robertson Profile picture
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University; Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford. Member, @IndependentSage.

Sep 2, 2021, 5 tweets

On 23 June, the Vaccines Minister highlighted the low levels of vaccine takeup among communities

A very short thread showing the disproportionate risks between different communities.

In the 23 June data (when the Minister made the comments), 59% of black over-50s had been given their second dose, compared to 91% of white over-50s.


There has been *some* progress, but not nearly enough.

In today's data, 66% of black over-50s have had their second dose, compared to 93% of white over-50s.


The rate of black over-50s not fully vaccinated is nearly *5 times* (4.73 times) as high as white over-50s not fully vaccinated.

[W = White over-50s not fully vaccinated: 100% - 92.8% = 7.2%
B = Black over-50s not fully vaccinated: 100% - 65.9% = 34.1%

B/W = 4.73 times]

It is a similar story for deprivation.

Over-50s living in the most deprived areas are *4 times* more likely to not be fully vaccinated compared to those living in the least deprived areas




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