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⚽️🐎 Football tactics for @TheBusbyBabe. I tweet about what's on my mind. Caveat of I could be wrong.

Sep 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Tactical Analysis thread: Besides the midfield, the one thing that was glaringly obvious in Sunday's match was the need for the forward line to do their part and help the midfield out.
That goes for both helping to progress the ball, and defensively (CONT)

Let's take a look at some HORRIBLE defense where United leave Harry Maguire completely exposed and let Trincao have a free run at him.
A defensive midfielder alone doesn't fix this because there are so many breakdowns, especially from the forwards

(Pics are annotated so I can save words here). The play starts fairly innocently on the wing. Pogba and James have swapped roles (due to prior positioning) but James tucks in as the second CM. United look pretty well set up, except Bruno and James are both in no mans land

As the 10, Bruno should be sitting on the deepest midfielder or between the pivot (he is), but once the ball goes out there, he's gotta pick someone up.

Bruno picks up neither CM, allowing the ball to easily be passed across and causing a chain reaction for everyone else #MUFC

With Bruno not marking Neves OR cutting off the passing lane from Moutinho to Neves, Sancho springs into action to close down Neves.

But Sancho is coming from really far away, and by going to Neves he's leaving Shaw all alone to do deal with both Kilman and Semedo ##MUFC

Sancho arrives late, allowing Neves to move it quickly, and Trincao is able to quickly move it out to a wide open Kilman, forcing Fred to move out and cover him

By covering Kilman, Fred is essentially moving into the LW position, meaning SOMEONE has to drop into CM and cover for him. NO ONE does, and no one even follows Trincao after he makes the pass, leaving him all alone in an extremely dangerous position

Kilman easily finds Trincao who now can easily run straight at Maguire, which is Maguire's biggest weakness and what United strive to protect.

All of this is avoided if Bruno and/or Sancho just picked up their man from the start or stayed with Trincao!

Maybe a more natural defensive midfielder doesn't overcommit to Kilman and let's him carry it in a bit more while cutting off the angle. Maybe.

Either way, someone needs to come in, fill that gap, and help out. No one does!
The forwards need to do their part too

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