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Sep 2, 2021, 12 tweets

IB Musings: How Those of us with No Easy Way to CR7 Sleep at Night

The case FOR CR7 is one easily made.

Unfortunately, it may be complicated for some managers to bring him in right away. May this give us some hope.

#FPL ♻️
Sources: @fbref, @FantasyFootyFix, @FFScout

It has been said, & indeed it fits with memory, that Ronaldo gets a lot of shots close to the goal, so I looked at CR7s shots over the past 3 seasons. It turns out that last season CR7 scored significantly more non-pen goals from 12 yards + than from inside 12 yards.

Over the past 3 seasons, the average distance to goal of Cristiano’s shots were 17.9 yards, 18.8 yards, & 17.6 yards. For comparison, Bruno Fernandes’ average shot distance over the past 3 seasons has been just a few yards back at 24.2 yards, 22.0 yards, & 19.2 yards respectively

Bruno has been slowly progressing forward at United.

Ronaldo coming in could make things awkward for the two initially. I believe this hints at one of the reasons Fernando Santos did not play them together much in the Euros. That, and the fact that Sanches is a fucking baller.

Ole will certainly work out their roles together, but it is not inconceivable that this relationship takes some time to crystallize especially since Sancho is also finding his feet with the team.

There were some ideas about how reliant Ronaldo has been on crosses while at Juve which I want to be comforted by, but Shaw, Pogba and Bruno worry me.

With Bruno shifting to the right, and Pogba to the left, I can see a situation emerging where Bruno and Sancho

are sending crosses from the right while Pogba and Shaw send them from the left.

Also, if United can carry last season’s 4th most through balls (34) into this season, CR7 could destroy without the crosses.

While I don’t find solace in the idea that CR7 is reliant on crosses, I am hopeful, albeit not optimistic, that it could take time to find ways to get him the ball.

My last Hail Mary that CR7 could just maaayyyyyybe not go berserk in GW4 is in his shooting.

Ronaldo’s goals/SoT over the last 3 seasons were: 0.26, 0.28, 0.38. His SoT/90 were 2.08, 2.07, and 1.93 respectively.
It took Ronaldo time to build efficiency. If he comes firing at the rate he did when he went to Juve, then it could be a goal every other match.

If he comes in closer to his form when he left Juve, then it’s closer to 2 goals in 3 matches. These are elite numbers, but do not blow the current premium assets out of the water by any means.
It must also be said that these stats were achieved in a much inferior league.

Some may be inclined to add coefficients to them which would make CR7s prospects in the PL worse, but I’m not convinced that applies in this case. I just don’t know because, Cristiano.
CR7's standout appeal in the next 3 GWs is undeniable; the key, as always, will be timing.

Ronaldo is certainly a flat track bully, and knowing that he has NEW, WHU and AVL in the next 3 is a thought that continues to keep me up at night. It’s the longer, season-long lens that helps me sleep.✌️


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