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#BIDENHARRIS2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #FakeAssassinationAttempt #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Sep 3, 2021, 27 tweets

"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."
-Blaise Pascal (Pensees, 1669)


Also see
"The Devil can cite Scripture for his purposes"
-Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice.

Bob doesn't pay taxes to have someone dictate what his beliefs SHOULD be to him.

I'm going to try and crash this


"Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the color from our sight
Red is grey and yellow white
But we decide which is right
And which is an illusion"
*It's hard to believe this is real..


But, the Bible..

This "televangelist" not only gets out of paying taxes, but was able to take away millions in PPP "loans" from the ones who really needed the money.
Doesn't seem quite right.

Joel Osteen. Sorry..


I stand with @RoArquette 🔥

When I had to pay for my IVF fertility treatments in full($$$$), at the same time men's erectile disfunction issues were 100% covered, it didn't quite do it for me.🙄

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