Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Sep 4, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ I have stopped - & advised against - predictions

But what I’m about to write has stuck in my brain so I’m getting it out

Just take what I’m about to say with a mouthful of salt


“The Hunt for” dropped

What is Red October? What’s it named after?



2/ 1917... how often have we heard that?

Who kept mentioning 1917?

Did the press “get it”? (Lol)

3/ What month is it?

Do things appear to be getting better or worse?

Do we have a strong (p)resident or a weak one?

How about VP?

What did 1.7 mention frequently in conjunction with Red October?

“Midterms” & 11.11 >>> MiIitary Parade

4/ What’s 11.11?

Multiple layers

Internal IP, Manual for War... Armistice Day

5/ But back to this

“The Hunt for” dropped, & “Future news will highlight

“POTUS Alert Test”

Then my favorite...

>>> new meaning


What did POTUS declare September?

*Natural Preparedness Month*


8/ September > PREPARE

October > RED OCTOBER? :-O

11.11 > November > America Unified?

God willing

Take it all with a grain of salt

I don’t do predictions any more for a reason.

But this wouldn’t let go in my brain


9/ I forgot to mention

When 1.7 said “Look here, not there”, where is “There”?

Where’d the v!rus start?

Buydan has major ties to what
c0mmin!st country?

What was special about POTUS Trump’s visit to this country?

What makes October RED?

Who had infiltrated?

Please see...

10/ Or revisit what’s probably my most important thread

See how history is repeating itself

...but is the military 5 steps ahead?

Preparedness Month

Red 0ctober

Armistice Day (11.11)

Please read - & pray

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