Gilles Demaneuf Profile picture
Pointy Head. Enthalpy Liberation Front. Opinions, analyses and views are mine and should never be interpreted as representing any institution or company.

Sep 4, 2021, 11 tweets

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen It is rather disappointing to see scientists repeating basic mistakes, all already listed in…

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen Shi Zhengli "all staff and students in the lab” were tested for SARS-CoV-2 and related coronaviruses and were negative."

The small sample of 23 or so staff and students in her lab is largely irrelevant. There are many teams working at the WIV - in all 590 staff and students.

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen And we are still missing the field samplers and their aids, the other Wuhan labs involved in BatCoV research, and the possibility of a lab leak without someone in the lab itself being infected.

Basically her statement is worth close to nothing.

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen Garry "There are hundreds of millions of people who come in contact with wildlife.”

Yes. And these infections go strictly nowhere. The logic makes no sense. Since when is such fold wisdom published in Science mag?

Explained in E9:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen Garry is then back with his rather twisted multiple markets theory.

Explained in E1 and E3:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen Linfa Wang: “Accidents can only happen when you already have a live virus in culture that can leak”.

And the article goes on with 'But the lab had only isolated and grown three viruses over 15 years, Shi said, and none closely resembled SARS-CoV-2.'

Explained in E27:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen Then the article goes on about the market being the source of the outbreak. Unfortunately this does not square up with the evidence.

Explained in E1:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen And obviously there is the inconvenient truth that the first official case (Mr Chen) lived in the residential district closest to the WIV and had never been to the market.
For some reason nobody mentions that.

See E4:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen As to the Chinese frozen food story, see E5:

@Tantalite @FabienColombo @IsabellWelpe @EckerleIsabella @sciencecohen That Science Mag article gave way too much room for Dr Garry and his fancy theories.
It's not science.

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