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#HARRIS2024 Women's Rights Are Human Rights She/Her 4/20 #NoHumanIsIllegal #FakeAssassinationAttempt #BLM #GunReform #LGBTQAlly #EndAsianHate - No lists

Sep 4, 2021, 14 tweets

When I saw Chuck Woolery's VERY hateful Tweets and knew his ad was on #GSN, I notified the network. #GSN ignored me, so I contacted every single #GSN host and told them they agreed by proxy. Bye, Chuck!
Yesterday WE CRASHED the abortion rat line!
WE have A LOT more work to do.

To those who say Twitter is just screaming into a void.? You're wrong(imo). WE are helping to save America from Fascism. You think Biden can do this, alone? I don't know about that..

Nice guy, huh?

NOW...look what happens when his OWN SON got it.
Unless it happens to them, they could care less.

Schmuck Foolery

Einstein LITE🙄

Who would hire Chuck for anything after seeing this Tweet?

Like Woods or Voight. How does someone hire them knowing that they're racists.

Dean Cain hosts some magic show and he's a MAGA.

Is Chuck an eggplant or a cantaloupe?

Chuck seems to think he knows the score..🙄

"Not to stir the pot" of course!🙄

Dear God, I hope Chuck isn't ever considering teaching history...

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