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Map of future bike infrastructure:

Sep 4, 2021, 58 tweets

Inspired by the Bank street walk @MattPinder1 did last week I decided to walk Bronson from Sparks to Hunt club (or as far as I get), going to tweet along to way about what I see and improvements that are coming in the future for pedestrians and cyclists. @ShawnMenard1 #ottbike

My friend and I took some e scooters to get to our starting point, luckily there was a good bump out zone to park them off the sidewalk.

Within the first Block of the walk we encounter our first pedestrian detour.

This pedestrian detour is for the work being done for the future central Library, I feel a traffic lane could be closed to allow pedestrians around it inside of sending them through several intersections to navigate it

These sets of intersections are set to be replaced in the future to accommodate cycle tracks, should be a huge improvement.

This bench has seen better days

While Bronson is quite fast here the side roads often have bump outs to enforce one way traffic

At Somerset now, all the intersections along this stretch were replaced in the last couple years as seen with the black traffic light polls, minimal work done for the pedestrian experience, no work done for cycling

A shaded area to sit along the loud fast traffic, beside a stripped out bike

An interesting bench design at the skate park along Bronson, built into the fence

Another big intersection, Bronson and Gladstone, nothing compared to what we will see coming up though. The Wrap city accross the street used to be a loan shark so that's an improvement.

Massive gas station accross the street from a nice patio restaurant

Does anyone know what these shelters are for? I suspect an old bus shelter, if not used anymore we could add benches to them for a nice rest area.

Massive intersection for the highway on ramp and Catherine Street, super fast traffic

This highway bridge is being replaced in the coming few years, the off ramp is closed for the next year so traffic is lighter now. This intersection will be transformed to have through traffic, no cycling facilities added to either

Across the traffic sewer is a suburban McDonald's minus the drive thru plopped into what should be an urban environment. Parking lots on both sides

Carling and Bronson is a massively busy intersection which is quite scary to use as a pedestrian, there are plans to improve it slightly in the future by extending the multi use pathway from the glebe along Carling thru here, no timeline as of yet

Luckily at this corner a new building is proposed that should help the area start to become more pedestrian friendly

The powerlines /tighter sidewalk and the close fast traffic is starting to make the walk much less pleasant

A person on a bike past us on the sidewalk, they walked their bike fortunately and I certainly do not blame them for riding on the sidewalk here

Never ending sea of traffic as we approach the first bit of cycling infrastructure

This double intersection is a mess but at least it has bus lanes

At the start of bike infrastructure on Bronson we have a bike lane marker that is more hazard then help as it's right in the way of the entrance #ottbike

As we cross Bronson bridge we finally get some space from the cars but still massively loud

The start of a cycle track that will eventually connect up to a protected intersection at Carleton

Great view of the unnecessarily large 6 Lane stroad, could easily loose the 5 and 6th lanes without affecting traffic in the slightest. Also after taking this photo had my first close call with a car of the day when it did not stop for me to cross this crosswalk.

Second sidewalk closure of the day, again could have closed a lane of traffic, I am choosing to ignore this closure however as the sidewalk is still functional

Sidewalk closed but the bus stop didn't move, not sure about the logic there

Construction on University drive to add turn lanes and cycle infrastructure, before last week there was no pedestrian detour to get onto campus except walking way done to athletics

This intersection is being replaced with a protected intersection, unfortunately it is not the best implementation of that however as it keeps the dangerous slip lanes

The protected intersection will connect up to this cycle track that unfortunately only goes for a short distance on one side of Bronson, the other side is out of luck stuck with a dangerous cycle lane

Some separated crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, this is also the area where the watermain keeps breaking on Bronson

Bus making good use of the new bus only campus entrance

A little better seperation here but nowhere near enough for the speed of the traffic, needs to become a seperate cycle track

Nice view of Carleton University and the bridge work being done for #ottLRT

A dangerous bit of cycling infrastructure here, gives cyclists a false sense of security before they are hit by cars not checking the lane #ottbike

The sidewalk now leaves Bronson as it becomes the Airport parkway, there is a pathway that runs parallel to it however, presumably because the road is too dangerous to walk along

The path we are on now is quite pleasant, away from the noise of the traffic

Got stuck in the middle of Heron, had to use the beg button they put in the middle knowing people would get stuck

And once again cyclists forced to use the sidewalk as the road is too dangerous / doesn't have adequate crossings for the pathway network here #ottbike

Pathway is detoured along the construction site of the new Mooney's Bay station, coming along nicely. #ottLRT

A lot of walking distance is now dedicated to walking around car highway infrastructure

I used to travel on this pathway every day to get to work, pretty good throughout

Lovely view of the ramps we just spent 10 mins walking around

At a level crossing of the path and the Via line, service isn't frequent so it's not a concern now but in the future with high frequency rail it will become busier, will this be separated in the future? @VIA_Rail #HFR

Poll right in the middle of this pathway, somebody seems to have attempted to make it more visible by painting the top red #ottbike

Pathway is rejoining the highway now, quite noisy again

Some tree's providing shade and noise reduction would be appreciated here

We are now moving away from the parkway to meet up with the Walkley bus station and future O-train station

Great pathway connection into Walkley station

Some much needed density going up around Walkley Station #ottLRT

Pathway detours slightly to go around some culvert repair work

A very tranquil pond along Sawmill Creek, spoiled slightly by the loud traffic behind me

Pathway in disrepair here

Some people getting some much needed shade under the Ottawa Bridge

We are now departing the parkway path to go through South Keys station to end our journey

The paths detour currently takes you through the transitway station

The pathway will eventually lead through these doors under the future South Keys O-train station. Thank you for joining me on this journey, now it's time to go see a movie at South Key's Cineplex. #ottbike #ottLRT

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