Echo Voice Profile picture
Views are my own; Correspondent; Commentator

Sep 4, 2021, 15 tweets

*If* "considering" that there's "no definitive cure for the recent viral crisis, this article provides a review of nanomaterials," "with an emphasis on graphene and its derivatives, including graphene oxide... and quantum dots." 👀
*emphasis mine*

Quantom Dots:


"[A]t least three proteins"...

The 3 "proteins" (acc to Mikovitz):

Please be sure to look into the subthreads and my quote tweets!!

Metallodrugs; HcL & Repurposing drugs:…

Footnote replies will be IMPORTANT.
Keywords: Nano vaccines; HIV; RNA Gold/Silver nanoparticles; Vero - "antiviral performance"

#COVID19 Graphene & Quantum dots = Bill Gates💉


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