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Sep 5, 2021, 6 tweets

Paranoid LDS

Holland used
“fire” 10 X
“musket” 8 X
made mult ref 2 “friendly fire”
“wounds” +

In particular,
he called
“more musket fire”
from BYU’s faculty
2 defend Mormonism’s official position
on inferiority + social dangers of
same-sex relationships + marriages.

Aug. 23,
Jeffrey R. Holland,
Brigham Young University’s fmr pres
+ a senior apostle in
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
gave inflammatory speech
2 BYU faculty + staff.

Prop 8 assault
wasn't good enuff
4 them Mormons.

Y so hateful, Mormons?…

"Aggressive tone
toward LGBT community"
Ya think?

Holland cited his inspiration;
couple of anonymous ltrs from
*concerned believers
who have been watching
the rise of LGBT acceptance at BYU.
“U should know
some people in extended community
R feeling abandoned + betrayed by BYU.”

In 39 min speech,
Holland refers 2
Fmr valedictorian Matt Easton,
who came out as gay
in his 2019 commencement speech,
simply identified himself as gay.

“What might another speaker
feel free 2 announce next year,
until eventually anything goes?"


Holland's speech felt,
2 some BYU faculty mems,
like an unsettling attack
on basic principles
of intellectual freedom
+ independence.

Progressive Mormons B Damned.

"Others have noted
a possible 3rd audience, <===
since the choice of metaphors;
violent throughout;
seemed 2 function as
dog whistles
2 the currently discontented
alt-right of Mormondom." <===


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