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Sep 7, 2021, 5 tweets

The @TwitterSupport verified account that called the antifa shooter who killed someone a "fellow Antifa militant" & "martyr" is from a man who is evading a permanent Twitter suspension. Philip Mandelbaum aka @AWKWORDrap used to run @MandelbaumP before being perm banned.

The antifa accounts that actually get banned just open new ones. Antifa writer @taliaotg is one such example. While operating as @mxtaliajane, she was permanently suspended for repeatedly violating @TwitterSupport rules on hateful conduct.

The Sacramento, CA cell of Antifa had its Twitter account (@AntifaSac_) permanently suspended for repeated violations. Because these accounts operate anonymously, they simply open new accounts or switch to alternate ones that are then reboosted for followers in antifa networks.

Update: The Sacramento cell of Antifa (@AntifaSac_) had its Twitter account unbanned.

Update: Antifa activist @mxtaliajane's permanent suspension for hateful conduct (which she evaded using alternate account @taliaotg) was overturned.

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