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Freelance journalist in the Parliamentary Press Gallery. Author of The Unbroken Machine. Pedant about civic literacy and Star Wars. Nigellavangelist. 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈

Sep 8, 2021, 10 tweets

Countries don’t measure their unemployment rates the same way. It’s not an apples-to-apples comparison, and the Star’s fact-checker is letting O’Toole get away with lying with statistics.

No, PHAC didn’t dismantle GPHIN. Its reporting structure is a mess but it is still active, and it did note the first instances of COVID and made the alert – the problem was the alert not going anywhere useful. The review panel on GPHIN noted this if you actually read the report.

To paraphrase: “I talked to economists who said it’s not a problem, but I can’t judge that to be a false statement on O’Toole’s part.”

The rest of the quote from Trudeau was that he was thinking about the affordability measures for those families, so you’re giving the truncated quote a pass out of context from the broader message?

In no way were the pre-pandemic deficits “huge” by any stretch of the imagination.

You can’t build biomanufacturing capacity overnight. It takes years. Pharmaceutical companies refused to locate production in Canada. The US was ahead of most everyone else because they have both biomanufacturing capacity that we don’t, and economic leverage.
Context matters.

Why is it the job of the prime minister to meet with the CEOs of big pharmaceutical companies?
Also, how often did previous prime ministers meet with them?

Since when does correlation equal causation?

His framing is misleading, but we’re going going to judge it a stretch rather than a falsehood.

Such great fact-checking.

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