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Sep 8, 2021, 18 tweets

The most “nailed” Chelsea defenders to target on a Wildcard

- A thread 🧵#FPL

Predicting Tuchel Tombola is like playing Pep Roulette

I see it as a high risk - high reward strategy that has it's pro's & cons. You could indulge in massive hauls or get burned

I looked at who had the most (minutes) played Under Thomas Tuchel from GW 20-38 last season

Data Via : @FantasyFootyFix

📌 Azpilicueta is hands down Tuchel's trusted man. He can play at RWB/RCB. He's the engine and Chelsea's skipper

For £6.0m you get a consistent starter in Azpi. He's attacking threat isn't the most glamorous and doesn't have much upside

Patient build up play. He can get you a few attacking returns since he does like to push high at times at RWB. I believe it's opposition based

Azpilicueta / James link up play down the right flank could be a key factor this season

During the early stages last season Azpi's role was pivotal in attack. He'd push forward at times from RCB also creating overloads on the flank

📌 Rudiger has established himself as Chelsea's frontrunner for the LCB slot. Kurt Zouma has left to West Ham which leaves that slot his to lose

He would be my third choice pick if I was on a WC since Reece James is the same price. I'd be more inclined to spend that on him

This is the 3 that I feel will play majority of games in the centre-back department

Of course they'll be rotation but bar any injuries/covid I don't see them losing their places

📌 James is suspended for GW 4 but if I was on a WC I'd definitely consider bringing him in and benching him. It might be an unpopular decision but I fully believe he'll be the best Chelsea defender to own this season

You could get ahead of the curve with this move

📌 AC has been tremendous for Chelsea. He's started the first (3) games of the season whilst playing all (3) games for Denmark during the IB

Their is competion for the CB slot with T.Silva however, I can see Tuchel rotating Silva for the UCL games. AC should be the glue at CB

🚨 Breaking News 🚨

Thiago Silva is set to miss the Villa game this weekend. This should mean Christensen starts at CB again. £5.0m gets you the Danish Maldini

📌 Chilwell had the 5th most minutes under Tuchel in the PL for defenders since his arrival. Alonso has started like a house on fire & has the form over the Englishman

I do however see Chilly back in the starting 11 this weekend or midweek

Chilwell can be a menace for any opposition. Loves to attack the width and get into the box

🎙️This is what Tuchel had to say regarding the Alonso/Chilwell situation

This would give me confidence we'll be seeing Ben Chilwell extremely soon

Chilwell 🔵 vs Alonso 🔴 (GW 20-38)

Goals : 1 | 2
FPL Clean Sheets : 6 | 5
Shots : 15 | 20
SiB : 13 | 15
xA : 1.09 | 1.36
BCC : 1 | 3
Crosses : 6 | 1

Chilwell won the defensive aspect whilst Alonso won the attacking threat column

A quick mention for Trevor Chalobah who seems to be breaking in under Tuchel

He's certainly the least nailed imo but he is one to watch out for as the season progresses

📌 In conclusion I personally believe a Chelsea defender on the WC is close to being essential. Chelsea's underlying data under Tuchel is one of the best in Europe

I'd look to invest in their backline now before the majority do in GW 7. (All views & opinions are my own)

A great article with Andreas Christensen. He talks about the faith and belief Tuchel has in him 👇…

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