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Sep 9, 2021, 8 tweets

Today is Avani Hastam on the traditional Tamil calendar. The Thirunakshatram of HH, the 44th Azhagiyasingar Sri Satagopa Vedantadesika Yathindra Mahadesikan.

If you want to learn how to revive Dharma in this day and age, his life is a real inspiration!


Popular as 'Mukkur' Azhagiyasingar, he got the construction of the grand Rajagopuram in Srirangam.

It was under his strong will and able guidance, such a mammoth project was achieved! The story of its history still gives goosebumps!


In the long and illustrious spiritual lineage of his Parampara, only he was addressed as 'Vedanta Desika', in honour of the original Saint.

His achievement in the modern times is no lesser than Swami Desika's in his era!

Both fought for the upliftment of Dharma!


Under his able guidance, over 200 workers toiled day and night for almost eight years to construct the majestic Rajagopuram. At 236 feet height with 13 tiers, the Srirangam Rajagopuram is the tallest temple tower in the world!


The Rajagopuram's base is 166 feet by 97 feet and the crown is 98 feet by 32 feet making it a modern construction and engineering marvel!

But beyond all this was the Jeeyar Swamy's Vajra Sankalpam! Only that could have achieved this kind of feat in today's times!


Some rare footage of HH Sri Mukkur Azhagiyasingar at the historic inauguration ceremony of the Srirangam Rajagopuram.

The devotion and determination on his face is so evident! It should inspire several generations to come!


Even at his age, you can see his enthusiasm! Not a bit of fatigue!

Truly, a miracle, what he achieved!


Some day, someone should write the detailed story behind the making of this majestic Rajagopuram! It will make for a fantastic book!

It needs to be documented for posterity!

And whenever we think of it, HH, the 44th Azhagiyasingar will be remembered!


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