Manuel L. Quezon III Profile picture
Columnist .@inquirerdotnet Editor at large Views mine.

Sep 9, 2021, 5 tweets

Prepping materials for (possibly) my first vlog; some slides I have often used in presentations as exceedingly useful in discussing what we think people think when we think of how they think through their votes, a thread.

1. From "Vote of the Poor," the characteristics of a bad leader/good leader and what people claim influences them most in deciding whom to vote for.

Ateneo study, "The Preferred Filipino Leader: How do our current leaders measure up?" A kind of word cloud of feelings. After all politics is about feelings.

From 2010, a snapshot thsat struck me and which I have referred to often: what you might otherwise consider as sources of news wasn't exactly what most people considered sources of news. See: Wowowee.

Also from 2010: What voters found most helpful in deciding whom to vote for.

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