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Sep 9, 2021, 6 tweets

The Blockchain Bar Chapter 15 is released! 🍾

Check your inboxes!

Everyone who purchased the eBook is now getting a new bonus chapter with 30 extra pages on forks and consensus.

I hope you didn't make plans for weekend. Time to practice some blockchain programming in #golang!

Very handy feature @gumroad - I didn't know I can directly send an email to the customers so they download the new eBook version!

@gumroad The fork is scheduled for block number 35!

@gumroad You learn:
- why a fork happens
- how to plan a consensus fork
- how Ethereum Improvement Proposals work and you will practice by implementing "The Blockchain Bar Improvement Proposal (TIP) 1" requiring each TX to have 2 new attributes: Gas + GasPrice

@gumroad The fork block 35 contains 1 TX with Gas: 21 and GasPrice: 1 and is currently being mined.

The Proof of Work is getting a bit unlucky. It's taking an unusual amount of computations to mine this block:

99M hashes and growing (usually few M is enough). Dramatic effect:

@gumroad The Blockchain Bar successfully forked at block 35 after 121M hashes.

The block contained 1 TX with Gas: 21 and GasPrice: 1.

FORKED! Without breaking consensus haha 🥳

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