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By trusting your Inner Senses you'll find true Knowledge, your Salvation and a Light for others to follow. 1 Timothy 4:16

Sep 9, 2021, 5 tweets

Occult ritual thread. Final chapter. Atto XVI
Grey Magic and the Temple of the Scrying Mirrors.
The entertainment industry is based on ritualistic behaviour. During the production of movies, TV series, plays or even news broadcasts, scenes are carefully set with the appropriate

props and illusions. Actors take on predefined roles and repeat specific dialogue. The actors must disassociate themselves, not only from their own identity, but also from their own personality and morality and behave in a way that may be totally against their nature.

They are symbolically wearing a mask and by doing so they abdicate their rightful position within the Divine and become willing receptacles for the thought-forms. This is exactly the same set of circumstances necessary for ritual magic. In the Hollywood scenario the ritual is

performed to acquire your attention and belief, or rather, through the suspension of your disbelief you are participating in the ritual and giving your consent. Without noticing, your natural sense of morality has been completely bypassed. You have now entered the Scrying zone.

To be continued.

May my soul bloom in love for all existence.

Rudolf Steiner

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