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Sep 10, 2021, 9 tweets

I wonder what is the pact that this GOONDA of Bengal has signed with CPM that he is acting an Abdullah here!

Fact of the matter is that this violence was started by this man in pic on 6th Sep when he led around 500 goons of CPM & attacked BJP workers & public injuring 17 people

It all started in Dhanpur of Sipahijala when goonda vahini of @cpimspeak and led by Sarkar resorted to what communists are known for world over- arson, violence & murder. Commie goon mercilessly attacked everyone from the general public to the BJP workers & torched many vehicles

There were people from a particular community (Muslims) in this gunda vahini of @cpimspeak ‘s Manik Sarkar. Most of these goonda elements are involved in drug trade and other criminal businesses and have suffered heavily ever since @BjpBiplab assumed office

Goons of Manik Sarkar didn’t even spare the residence of Union Minister of State, Ms. @PratimaBhoumik and Manik Sarkar personally spearheaded this as evident from this pic - police had to be called in to control the violent and murderous mob of @cpimspeak

As all this was happening @abhishekaitc was appearing before @dir_ed in Delhi. As evident from what this TMC goonda did last month in Agartala, TMC joined the bandwagon with the help of @PrashantKishor and used his connections in media to spread the opposite of the real story!

Come 8th September, members of DYFI, an affiliate of CPM, took out a political procession in Udaipur without the permission of the administration. Later DYFI attacked a BJP worker so bad that he is currently battling with his life.

Meanwhile BJP had given a call for Dhikkar rally in a democratic manner across the state on 8th September. But @cpimspeak workers of Sadar district office attacked BJP women workers at Melaramath in Agartala. When @BJYM workers ran to save them, stones wer pelted @ them by CPM

More than a dozen @BJYM workers were injured in stone pelting. Seeing women workers being beaten up by @cpimspeak cadres, BJP workers also got angry and retaliated in their defence. This current spate of violence was started solely by Manik Sarkar with the help of infiltrators

DYFI cadres charging on BJP cadres on 8th

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