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Sep 10, 2021, 8 tweets

This thread is FULL of lies attributed to Vinod Shukla.

Dear @Severus_3 can u ask Shukla to say all this on oath of Bhagwan?

I have spoken to Shri BD Singh Ji and he was surprised to see such blatant lies from Shukla and let me demolish these lies in thread next!

Portals of Sri Kedarnath Ji opened this year on 17th May when second wave was at its peak. India saw 2.81 lakhs cases that day and it was DM Manuj Goyal who requested for taking Sri Kedarnath Ji Doli on vehicle up to last road head.

Can you Mr @Severus_3 remind Shukla of that shloka from Ramayan where Bali, in the presence of Bhagwan, tells Angad to respect time and situations- Hindu dharma is NOT rigid like Abrahamic faiths!

देशकालौ भजस्वाद्य क्षममाण: प्रियाप्रिये।
सुखदु:खसह: काले सुग्रीववशगो भव।।

This tweet by @Severus_3 is a blatant lie. Shukla is from Sri Kedarnath region and here lied about this mahurat thing. Puja, per BD Singh Ji, is happening as per the shastras and as has been happening since time immemorial- hence this is a lie by Shukla!

On Bal Bhog to Kedar Baba, Shukla being a local should know that time of 4:30 am for Bal Bhog was chosen as temple closes for 2 hours for cleaning after bal Bhog & Brahma Muhurat puja. Time of 4:30 was chosen to enable more devotees do darshan of Baba during BrahmaMuhurat! 1/2

There is no time prescribed as per Temple rituals and it is as per the priests. As this year, devotees are not allowed, hence Bal Bhog is being done at 6 am. Can u imagine temple doing puja after Bal Bhog? Seriously @Severus_3 ?? Pls Bhagwan se daro aap log !

After every bhog,temple is cleaned & remained closed for darshan. As per temple rituals,ShriKedar Lingam has to be offered Jalabhishek repeatedly. During normal darshan, devotees do this but now as it is closed, so priests advanced evening bhog time to 12 noon as per BD Singh Ji

22 IAS officers as members of board is another lie by @Severus_3 - see act yourself and count no of officers - anyways the Devsthanam board is being reviewed and I really wonder if Shukla said this in reality- his comments were surely manufactured!

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