Eddy Quan Profile picture

Sep 10, 2021, 10 tweets

📕 7 uncommon non-fiction books every man must read

Hint: you won't find any of these titles on your guru's reading list


1) The Conquest of Happiness - Bertrand Russell

Don't let the cheesy name fool you.

This book goes deep on what causes unhappiness and happiness.

Written in 1930, the lessons are just as applicable today if not more.

If you only read one book from this list, make it this one

2) Rebel without a crew - Robert Rodriguez

True story about how a 23 year old filmmaker made a feature length film on a $7,000 budget and sold it to one of the biggest players in Hollywood.

A must read for all creative people.

Extremely under rated autobiography.

3) Fear - Osho

As someone who suffered from over thinking and building risk tolerance as a young man... this was the book I needed to read 20 years ago.

Hat tip to @ShamanOfThe for the recommendation on his blog.

I picked it up immediately and it changed my life.

4) Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman - Richard Feynman

One of the best autobiographies you'll ever read.

This book is fun, informative and impossible to put down.

It will change the way you confront challenges and remind you to never let go of your childlike curiousity.

5) Mini Habits - Stephen Guise

Everyone knows about Atomic Habits but so few know about Mini Habits.

Atomic Habits is great for learning the overall framework of habit development but Mini Habits will show you step by step how to build new habits

H/T to brother @ellobosalvaje

5) Mini Habits - Stephen Guise

Everyone knows about Atomic Habits but so few know about Mini Habits.

Atomic Habits is great for learning the overall framework of habit development but Mini Habits will show you step by step how to build new habits

H/T to brother @ellobosalvaje

6) Alchemy - Rory Sutherland

One of the best books I've read in recent years from one of my favourite thinkers in the world @rorysutherland.

This book shows you how humans make decisions and how you can use this knowledge to create magic in the world.

Get the audiobook.

7) The Sweet Science - AJ Liebling

This book is a collection of essays covering the sweet science in an era when Boxing was America's most prized sport.

Sports Illustrated named this book "the best American sports book of all time."

If you fancy high quality prose, get this.

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I don't get a penny for it.

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