John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

Sep 10, 2021, 5 tweets

Not on @COVID19actuary Friday Report duty today, so here’s a few photos of today’s walk of the Pembrokeshire coastal path instead, starting with some seals swimming near Fishguard.


We passed a lot of cows, but these were particularly photogenic.


Inspired by last night’s Twitter game, my afternoon sustenance had to be Welsh cakes, washed down with a local brew of course.


The local pub in Fishguard had such an interesting history we felt compelled to visit it.


At the risk of sounding like @visitwales, the scenery is fantastic, the locals don’t bite, (and it’s nice to tweet about something non-COVID for once!).


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