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Mostly sunny. Opinions are mine.

Sep 10, 2021, 5 tweets

Tomorrow on the 20th anniversary of September 11th our family will be visiting my husband’s firehouse where they lost all the men on duty that day.

Here are the faces of Engine 40 Ladder 35 who ran bravely towards the danger, into the burning towers to try and save others.

Their names are:
Frank Callahan,
Kevin Bracken,  
Michael D’Auria,
Lieutenant John Ginley,
Steve Mercado,
Michael Roberts,
Michael Otten,
Jimmy Giberson,
Dan Marshall,
Bruce Gary,
Michael Lynch,
Vincent Morello

This picture was taken a few months after September 11, 2001 for a @VanityFair piece about the surviving firefighters of @FDNY Engine 40/Ladder 35. The writer was David Halberstam. The photographer @JonasKarlsson. My husband Sean is on the far right.

Our friend Ray Pfeifer is standing next to him on the left. We lost Ray to 9/11 related cancer, but he fought while he was sick to ensure fellow first responders would have access to health care. We miss him, but his legacy lives on with his family and @RayPfeiferFDTN

343 members of the @FDNY made the supreme sacrifice on 9/11/2001. 257 have died of WTC illnesses since then. They continue to honor those lost through two decades of vigilance and precautions against terrorism. God bless them, their families and the Fire Department of New York.

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