Connecting the Dots (... to Disruptions) Profile picture
Great minds think alike, but (blessing or curse) I think different👽Engineer/Disruptions Analyst⚡CoOwner of Tesla🚀🔴

Sep 10, 2021, 9 tweets


True story: I have extensive experience in Resource Allocation Algorithms/Systems, so several years ago I was offered to be chief engineer for developing a novel energy distribution system

I started learning about the project (which had already started along with a subcontractor) and the problem at hand.

Real interesting project!

Client was a foreign utility company which supplied power to lots of varied customers - from retail households to large industry

They had to balance loads against powerplants of various types - some costly and slow to spool up and down, others with minimal control over output etc.

This was a new field, real interesting. Before I gave my answer, something happened.

The subcontractor was a strategic partner of the company that offered me the position.

It was decided by top management to pass them all the IP required for the project (huh? who does that)

Soon after, the SUBCONTRACTOR signed the deal for the energy distribution system, leaving the company where I was offered the position completely outside 😮

Of course, the position was gone. Luckily I hadn't left my previous one like I meant to

Management decided not to sue!

Years later I found out that the managers from main company retired to work with hefty salaries at the subcontractor

But I'm sure the "Transfer All IP" decision was "clean", right?

As were grossly inflated (IMO) deals the subcontractor was paid to work on other projects🤷‍♂️

If not mistaken the subcontractor failed to deliver or got the rug pulled away later👎

Had it turned otherwise, I could have developed the first AI-driven power production/distribution system anywhere!

I have no idea how good I would have done, but would've given all I got!

Been close to the topic ever since that failed job offer. It's a huge multi-factorial engineering problem with huge financial implications, which begged to be solved.

So happy to see that the best such system was made by a company I love, and it KICKS ASS.


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