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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

Sep 10, 2021, 10 tweets

What are some important things in crypto that people don’t talk about enough?

I’ll start! 🥐

Have we lost our roots?

Cypherpunks supported public-key encryption in order to help preserve privacy, as the world turned increasingly digital

#Bitcoin gained headway amongst the members very quickly

Now in pursuit of money, many of our primitive values no longer remain today

Why is crypto so underrepresented in Washington?

The industry is now in the trillions of dollars yet it was almost blindsided by regulations

We could quickly become a single issue voting matter, & be especially attractive for politicians

This is bigger than we understand…

Why are the #Bitcoin and $ETH communities so marginalized?

As a whole, we all believe in the fundamental values of decentralization and cryptography for society

$ETH & $BTC have many more synergistic properties than one might think…

Where does yield come from?

The question no one dares to ask, is actually quite simple

Yearn’s $USDC vault offers a modest 5.79% APY by:

->borrowing $USDC
->farming $COMP
->harvesting $COMP
->reinvesting $USDC

Additionally, yearn isn’t taking 3-4% like most banks

Why is becoming your own bank something many deem a daunting task?

DeFi offers everyone a new level of freedom over their finances

Rather than putting your funds at the hands of individuals, you are putting your funds at the hands of code.

This is huge.

Why is liquidity so segmented across decentralized finance?

Swaps are on Uniswap, Sushiswap, or Bancor

Options are on Deribit, Hegic, or Opyn.

Loans are on Aave, Compound, or Dydx

Capital efficiency on $ETH would go exponential if we could interact with these individual pairs

Why are so many people unaware of exactly how elaborately blockchain is changing the world?

There are tons of examples I’ve even written a thread about, serving good to mankind with:

-unbiased lending
-access to insurance
-universal market access
-digital ownership

& more…

Why are the use cases of NFTs so focused on pfp projects?

NFTs solved the final piece of the puzzle. It put non-fungible items on the blockchain.

They can be used to tokenize and represent ownership of anything online

In fact, they don’t even have to be an investment at all…

Why do people think they’re late to crypto?

Believe it or not, only 2.6M wallets have ever interacted with DeFi

That’s only 1.2% of all wallets on $ETH, & many people have several wallets in use!

We haven’t even begun to discover what can be done on the blockchain

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