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🇮🇹 🤌 🇵🇱 🇮🇪 I'm a freelance writer and truth-seeker, who covers politics, history, traditional cultures, and ancient mysteries. Proud Ellis🗽Island roots

Sep 11, 2021, 26 tweets

Recording of a man's recollections of attending a speech by an Illuminati insider that occurred back in 1969.

So much of what we are currently experiencing was pre-planned long ago by a powerful cabal of elites.

Incredible listening experience:


Here is a condensed transcript of this 4-hour talk with the most important excerpts provided:…

Here is a list of things Day laid out as the Illuminati agenda from the 1960s until today.

Tell me most of these haven't been shockingly accurate.

More excerpts from recollections of Dr. Richard Day's 1969 talk about the planned New World Order:

“People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they’ll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent."

Perpetual materialistic social revolution.

Sex with be redirected in peoples minds to be thought of as SEPERATE from reproduction.

Instead of diminishing the public's sex activity to fight overpopulation, it will be increased but in such a way that people won't be having babies.

Foods will be made impure and corrupted to increase weight gain, sickness, and lethargy.

Eating at home will be discouraged, eating out promoted.

Food will become so unhealthy that only those who maintain a strict diet with regular exercise will be able to stay thin and healthy

Homeownership will be made increasingly difficult for younger people until it eventually becomes a thing of the past.

Instead, many will live as renters in small apartments, deliberately designed to discourage too many children.

Drug use and abuse would be encouraged to create a jungle atmosphere where only the fittest will survive (sounds a lot like the opioid epidemic).
Drug abuse and accompanying crime also serves to make the public feel vulnerable and insecure - easier to manipulate and control.

Scientific research will be deliberately falsified to manipulate public opinion towards the thinking of the elites.

Everything will be manipulated to create the perception of danger and chaos - the only solution will be seen in a centralized world government.

Some books would just disappear from libraries - those with information which the elites don't want the public to know about.

- eventually, not everyone will be allowed to own books and some books NOBODY will be allowed to own (this will probably go for digital files too).

America's industrial pre-eminence would be curtailed. American products would be deliberately designed to be unreliable and break easily. This would cause the public to turn to foreign manufacturing as superior. It will then be easier to outsource our industry abroad.

*America would become an information center for the world (as we can see with Silicon Valley and our dominance of the internet). All our manufacturing would be moved overseas.

All existing religions will be transformed to support the coming global order.

The Bible will be changed by revising key words to give them a new interpretation.

Churches will not resist, but will help this transformation!

Catholicism will be brought down.

Families will diminish in importance. Mothers will be pressured to work outside the home. Generations will be divided and isolated from each other to break continuation with the past.

Extended families will be broken up through job transfers to far-off areas by corporations.

Most interesting part (to me). As a reward for having served the NWO by fighting in WW II, the Greatest Generation will be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in peace and enjoyment. They will be encouraged to isolate themselves from the succeeding gens though.

* I can't help but think that the very reason we have seen an acceleration of the globalist agenda in the past decade may be due to the natural dying off of most of the Greatest Gen in recent years (not many of them left now as opposed to 20- 30 yrs ago).

Technology (Like Television) will be used to spy on people. Everyone will spend their days looking at screens. Governments and corporations will be looking back at them.

These are just a few things laid out in the above audio recording.

Dismiss all these claims as false if you will but there's no denying that not only in America, but most of the West has experienced what's described above and will likely experience much more of it unless...

...there is major opposition to this agenda.

I don't believe that these elites are godlike. Their agenda can be altered, if not abolished, if enough people stand up and make it clear that, regardless of the odds, freedom-loving peoples will not submit to technocratic slavery!

People will need permission and a good reason to travel.

Everyone will carry an ID card on them which they'll be required to show when asked to 👀. Eventually, this will become a chip that will be implanted under the skin (remember these predictions come from 1969!)

Young girls will be encouraged to reject femininity and embrace masculine pursuits like sports.

More prisons will be built. Hospitals will be made to look like prisons. Everything will constantly change. Parts of cities will become slums.

Elites use war as a means to control the population and consider this good because it gives men a chance to show courage and heroism in battle. Wars act as a mechanism for the survival of the fittest. It will soon be unecessary because pop control is achieved in other ways.

Again, warning that when the Greatest Gen dies off, we will see these events start happening rapidly (the author thought this would be in the 90s but it took longer to occur).
Elites love that Gen for having served them faithfully so they were rewarded with comfortable lives.

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