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Pretend News Channel

Sep 11, 2021, 14 tweets

The End the Damn Wars march has begun

#WashingtonDC #EndTheDamnWars

"Show me what democracy looks like!"

"This is what democracy looks like!"

"Fuck! The! CIA!"

"Arrest George Bush!"

"What do we say to the FBI?"

"Fuck the FBI"

As the group approaches the J Edgar Hoover Building

"Fuck Trump! Fuck Biden! Fuck Obama! Fuck Bush!"

Chants of "Defund the Pentagon!"

Chants of "Happy Wedding Day!" as the protesters pass a couple taking wedding photos


"Down with the Empire!"

Lafayette Square is closed

Secret Service asking protest organizers about the demonstration. One of the questions was, "Any intent of civil disobedience?"


Protest has ended, park has been reopened

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