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free speech absolutist, all attacks on my personal character are accurate

Sep 11, 2021, 6 tweets

Fascinating discussion (Part 1)

A black lawyer suggests she has empathy for the “white supremacists” that Talia Levin profiles. Floats constructive ways to engage with them.

Talia Levin freaks out over her “sympathy for the devil” & wants antifa violence against them.

"What are you even advocating for!?"

Talia Levin cannot emotionally handle the idea of engaging with the Americans she profiled, & lashes out at the host.

"If I had known this was going to be an extended conversation about the utility of deradicalization vs. antifascism, I absolutely would not have agreed to be on this podcast"

Takes a literal deep breath bc she's so horrified by the idea of "intimacy" over pure violence.

Talia Levin describes "Nazi chat rooms" like dungeons where she was ravaged.

After the host explains her view, Levin says "I am just curious why you would ask a militant antifascist about the utility of deradicalization. This sounds like a setup for frustration for both of us"

Levin claims her goal was to "make people aware of the perniciousness of the threat... to encourage people to become active antifascists. Militant antifascists. It is explicitly a book endorsing action of all kinds"

She claims the right is trying to kill them & their families.

Full video here:

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