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free speech absolutist, all attacks on my personal character are accurate
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Jan 16 4 tweets 3 min read
The DHS's top lawyer — who wrote the letter threatening Texas — is a rabbi's son who spent much of his childhood in Jerusalem

>Texas builds effective wire border with only $11 million
>the Border Patrol begins removing it
>Texas builds a border to prevent Rio Grande crossings
>The Biden admin sues them
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Corporations have built incredibly powerful AI tools but they won’t release them to the public because they’re afraid people will use them in racist ways ChatGPT became a sensation by releasing its language model to the public, but they’re backtracking due to elite pearl clutching about how the peasants will use this technology.
Jan 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
It's de facto illegal to be a very cynical person This very cynical person makes some interesting points
Jan 28, 2023 15 tweets 7 min read
Facts Also true
Dec 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Using Consumer Price Index to track inflation is PsyOp.

The government prints trillions of dollars and hands it to oligarchs.

This may not raise consumer prices, but it devastates society. Consumer Price Index is the “cattle feed index”.

You can eat junk food and buy toys.

Meanwhile, the prices of homes, education, and kids skyrocket.
Dec 10, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The most interesting stories of all time are the stories of explorers — Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Pizarro, Cortes, Captain Cook — it doesn’t get any better than this. Also Magellan. If you haven’t read a book on each one of these men, you’re missing out.
Dec 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Good point Are we sure his foray wasn't just some oopsie?
Dec 2, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
“Deplatforming antisemites” is very hamhanded bc:

1. Fighting antisemitism is particularist. People like fair, impartial rules.

2. Streisand effect

3. People like being honest, free, & authentic

3. The deplatformed people don’t go away

4. Important truths are often censored The only moral rubric which “deplatforming antisemites” falls under is woke/progressive ideology, which everyone is getting extremely frustrated with.

You need fair, impartially applied rules that people can trust, or resentment will fester.
Nov 23, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Imagine thinking that Puritans are Republicans now ImageImageImage The modern descendant of Puritanism is the Unitarian Universalist Church.

Unitarians don’t believe in God. They believe in The Current Thing. They are the biggest sh*tlibs imaginable. ImageImage
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
While this is a false equivalency, since the left advocates censorship and the right doesn't, it's important that the left doesn't leave/boycott Twitter right now.

In an April article, Revolver described "Exodus of the Bluechecks" as one of the main threats: Full article:…
Nov 2, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
>says Elon’s Halloween outfit proves who he is
>ignores pro-censorship forces that anyone must overcome
>ignores “God helps those who help themselves”
>implies we have to wait for the Rapture

Loser mentality. Unfortunately too common on the right. People used to believe that Jack Dorsey was responsible for censorship even though he’s a Bitcoin loving libertarian.

Shallow conservatives used to blame him.

Elon *is* trying to make Twitter more free. There are strong forces set against him.

Nov 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“I trust a council with Jonathan Greenblatt to make a good faith effort to protect my free speech rights” To be clear, haven’t given up on Elon yet.

If I were him, I would likely drag these groups along with lip service until I had created a system that was immune to ad boycotts.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The average American Twitter user brings about $6/month in ad revenue.

This system is designed to make Twitter impervious to ad boycotts. Elon Musk is thinking systematically about overcoming the constraints on free speech.

At first, it was Twitter ownership, so he bought Twitter.

Now, he’s looking to overcome ad boycott pressure.

So far, this is a good sign.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If Kanye had murdered someone instead of saying bad words, he wouldn’t have been blackballed from Hollywood. The rapper Tay-K murdered a 21 year old in cold blood and wrote a hit song about it.

He was soon signed to a record deal, which made him $700k.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Facebook, like all social media companies, has a landing page for law enforcement agents to report “misinformation” These takedowns are officially “voluntary”, but government emails show CISA agents using anti-trust hearings to pressure Facebook to comply.…
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Since Elon took over, Twitter conversations seem more organic.

There are no longer algorithm-boosted liberal takes with 0 likes at the top of every thread. The public square seems less simulated now

Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
This is how the ADL describes the only recent President to not start a war What consequences? Be specific.
Oct 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who Anne Applebaum called the "People's Billionaire", writes Western op eds advocating for more aid to Ukraine.

Khodorokovsky used to own much of Russia's oil supply, and formed an "Open Russia" NGO network, before Putin jailed him & nationalized Yukos oil. When giving interviews in Russia, Putin's exiled oligarchs have been quite clear that they don't have altruistic intentions.

When speaking to Americans, they pretend like they're democratic crusaders because they know US liberals will fall for it.

Oct 13, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s funny how the more the right is perceived as “racist”, the more prominent minorities defect to their side.

No rapper wanted to be a Republican during the Bush/Romney era. No one respects a “nice guy” and this goes for racism
Oct 13, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
2010 article on BlackRock’s Larry Fink.

Bankers describe Fink as “man behind the curtain” who is “at the hub of the wheel of American capitalism”

Fink has “always wanted to be important… and now that he’s more important than he ever dreamed of, he’s loving it.” ImageImage According to Vanity Fair, Fink came to power by developing the Mortgage Backed Securities which collapsed the economy in 2008 Image
Oct 13, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Alexander Solzhenitsyn was "parroting Putin's talking points" on Ukraine in 1994.

Yeltsin was in power, and no one knew who Putin was. Before the USSR's collapse, Solzhenitsyn was beloved by neocons.

Anne Applebaum even wrote a foreword to "The Gulag Archipelago".

But by 1994, he was deeply critical of US aggression towards Russia, a "sick" country being looted by oligarchs.…