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Parent-led campaign raising awareness against needless infections in #UKSchools | Also at

Sep 11, 2021, 11 tweets


Increasingly it seems @educationgovuk , some paediatric professionals, some school leaders, most media journalists and even some parents spout the line that it’s okay for children to be infected because…

1. “Children mostly have a mild infection”


2. “Very few children die”


3. “Children who don’t return to pre-infection health swiftly have underlying conditions “

1. Hospital admissions with numbers of children admitted for covid are increasing. See @TigressEllie @jneill data
Look at the #Theysurvivedcovid hashtag

2. Have you seen what is happening in other countries? Are you dismissing and minimising the loss of children?

3. How many of the families that @LongCovidKids are supporting had children with any pre-existing health issues prior to a covid infection?

As a parent or member of school staff who thinks it’s acceptable to only look at mortality with regards to an infectious disease?

Is it justified to IGNORE morbidity?

Is it acceptable to dismiss any death or negative health impact that occurs in those children who do have conditions?

What kind of society is it that minimises the right to NOT have your future health protected?

Everyone deserves protecting from infection.

Adults can choose not to attend an indoor setting where they think H&S legislation has been breached and all risk hasn’t been identified or mitigated.

@educationgovuk are mandating attendance in just such a setting!

Stop it!
Stop the ableist rhetoric!
Stop the British Exceptionalist rhetoric!


It’s not morally or legally acceptable to unnecessarily and knowingly expose anyone to increased risk of infection

Oops, clumsily worded…

What kind of society minimises the right to have your future health protected due to you being under 16?

That’s what we meant!

For further reference 👇 no one can guarantee how anyone’s body will react to infection. Therefore, applying the precautionary principle is the morally, legally and epidemiologically sensible strategy.

Almost half of those children hospitalised had no underlying health conditions 👇

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