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Sep 11, 2021, 10 tweets

WATCH President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks for the Let Us Worship "Day of Prayer for America"

"There could be no more fitting night for Americans to join hands and bow our heads in prayer than this evening." - President Donald J. Trump

"Two decades after nearly 3,000 Americans were murdered at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Western Pennsylvania, we honor the memory of every innocent soul killed in the September 11 attacks."

"We cherish their legacy, and we reaffirm our everlasting vow to Never Forget."

"Let’s especially be thanking and thinking of the brave heroes who served in Afghanistan. They courageously volunteered to hunt down the vile killers who attacked America, and to eliminate the menace of Radical Islamic Terrorism from the face of the earth

"And I know what you are thinking because we have suffered a great, great embarrassment over the last week. A terrible thing has happened, terrible decisions were made by this administration. But you are brave, you are incredible, and it will be made up."

President Trump shares the powerful story of Father Mychal Judge who was seen praying before he was killed when the South Tower collapsed

The day before he died, Father Mike spoke at the dedication of a NYC fire station...

'You do what God called you to do. You show up. You put one foot in front of the other. You get on the rig and go out and you do the job, which is a mystery.'

"'You have no idea what God has calling for you'"

You have no idea where you’re going, and in some cases you don’t know why.

'But he needs you. He needs me. He needs all of us.'"

"Tonight, Father Mike's words remind us that in the end, there is only one true answer to the depth and the evil that we saw on September 11, 2001. It is God."

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