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Jun 20 5 tweets 4 min read

Secretary of State investigators and Fulton County placed all the blame to why they were short (over 17k votes) during the recount on one high-speed scanner: tabulator 816, or ICC16.

Except then-Elections Director Richard Barron said it was ICC14 that was the problem.

They can’t get their story straight. Barron also said it was 62 batches that he claimed needed to be rescanned. The state’s cover up report says it was 97 batches. Another inconsistency.

There is no evidence any of the batches from 816 were rescanned, according to both Batches Loaded Reports.
Jun 15 5 tweets 3 min read
There are over 20K unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that “do not exist” according to the Rossi/@KevinMoncla complaint.

Fulton County provided “proof” they exist.

Except their proof showed they used serial numbers for DIFFERENT machines.

There’s a word for this... Oh yes, fraud.Image
They claimed there was an ICP3 at the East Point Library during early voting.

Only problem: there were only two scanners there, according to Fulton County’s own checklist. Image
May 23 4 tweets 3 min read
Wow. A Fulton County Board of Elections member had to sue her own Board because they will not give the Board members, the people in charge of certifying their elections, any documentation for what they are actually certifying! Image They claim all authority was delegated to the Fulton County Elections Director based on “bylaws” that *do not exist*

When certifying elections, they have refused to give Board members things like voter lists and ballot recap sheets so they can check if the numbers even match!

Jan 3 8 tweets 2 min read
Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States


Fulton County DID NOT COUNT THE SAME BALLOTS during the first and second machine count

19,541 distinct ballots appear in one machine count but not the other… Thousands of fraudulent “presidential only” ballots were injected into the second machine count, with huge margins for Joe Biden

This blank ballot pattern appears in at least 8 counties, including Fulton

Georgia did not have the votes to justify its original Election “results.”
Jan 2 4 tweets 2 min read

These numbers are determinative and, in all cases, are hundreds of thousands of Votes per Swing State more than I needed to WIN that State. If the Republican Senate does……

“…not step forward and address this ATROCITY, it will happen again, and be virtually impossible for Republicans to WIN ELECTIONS in the future...

Please study these numbers carefully, analyze what’s been done, keep an open mind, and be smart—Because the Democrats are already…
Dec 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
State Election Board member: 4,081 false mail-in votes for Biden found in Fulton Co. in hand recount

“If one were to calculate the same error rate in 100% review of that same county, there would be over 12,000 votes given to a candidate in error”

GA was decided by 11,779 votes MORE:

The second machine recount, which was used to certify 2020’s presidential election results, was almost 18,000 votes SHORT

Ultimately the results included:

3,125 duplicates
20,713 ballots from 10 scanners with NO election documents
Total of 17,852 missing ballot images
Dec 12, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Even the @washingtonpost editorial pages are stating the obvious: Jack Smith is a political actor engaging in election interferences on behalf of the regime Image It’s a “fiction” Jack Smith is an “apolitical prosecutor who acts independently of the” interests of the Biden regime

Smith has “all but announced his prosecutorial timeline is controlled by the 2024 general election” Image
Nov 15, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
.@KariLake’s lawsuit:

“Maricopa blatantly violated Arizona election laws, falsely certified it conducted L&A testing on October 11, 2022, and apparently rigged the November 2022 Election to fail on Election Day.” Image Before the 2022 Election, Maricopa County cut the seals on 446 vote-center tabulators, removed the memory cards, then reformatted them, then secretly tested these machines to reject ballots and re-sealed them to use on Election Day

It was planned. Image
Sep 26, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read

1) Release speaking indictment drafted like a campaign press release

2) Lie about President Trump in a press conference with inflammatory rhetoric

3) Repeat the lie daily in the media

4) Strip President Trump’s 1st Amendment rights in middle of the campaign Image The Biden regime charged its top opponent for constitutionally protected statements he made as president

“Now, keenly aware that it is losing that race for 2024, the prosecution seeks to unconstitutionally silence President Trump’s (but not President Biden’s) political speech” Image
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“The Presidential Records Act allows the president to decide what records to return & what records to keep at the end of his presidency. & the National Archives can’t do anything about it. I know because I’m the lawyer who lost the ‘Clinton sock’ case.”… “In defending NARA, the Justice Department argued that NARA doesn’t have “a duty to engage in a never-ending search for potential presidential records” that weren’t provided to NARA by the president at the end of his term…
Jun 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Jack Smith Has a History of Failed Prosecutions & Seriously Flawed Cases

Smith was instrumental in the DOJ’s part in the Lois Lerner IRS scandal targeting conservatives ImageImageImage Jack Smith is a hatchet man who was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in his case against Bob McDonnell. His case with no legal basis against John Edwards failed

Smith is hiding who is on his staff

His wife is a Biden donor who made a Michelle Obama documentary ImageImage
May 16, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Durham Report Shreds Obama-Biden DOJ, Intel Community for 2016 Election Interference. They Ran the Same Playbook in 2020 and Are Doing It Again in 2024 ImageImageImageImage BOMBSHELL: Obama Admin Had No ‘Actual Evidence’ Of Collusion By Trump When It Launched Crossfire Hurricane Investigation…
May 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
“The Democratic Party’s never-ending witch-hunt of President Trump hit a new low today. In jurisdictions wholly controlled by the Democratic Party our nation’s justice system is now compromised by extremist left-wing politics. We have allowed false and totally made-up claims… Image “…from troubled individuals to interfere with our elections, doing great damage. 
Make no mistake, this entire bogus case is a political endeavor targeting President Trump because he is now an overwhelming front-runner to be once again elected President of the United States.”
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Republicans Show United Support for President Trump
Mar 13, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
Letter by Joe Tacopina, Counsel to President Donald J. Trump, to New York City Department of Investigation Regarding Misconduct By Manhattan District Attorney’s Office “…the NYDA has weaponized its office, scouring every aspect of President Trump’s personal life and business affairs, going back decades, in the hopes of finding some legal basis — however far-fetched, novel or convoluted — to prosecute disrupt his political ambitions.”
Mar 1, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
The numbers will never add up for Joe Biden

Arizona population grew by 759K between 2010 & 2020, the lowest growth since the 60s

Yet 2018, 2020, & 2022 defied all models with record voting increases for Democrats, including Maricopa County, which a Dem has not won since 1948 President Trump broke the record for GOP turnout in AZ in 2020

The highest increase for a Democrat ever was 208K votes. Yet we’re supposed to believe Biden, who couldn’t get 10 people in AZ, got more than twice that, 510,976, a totally ridiculous number

Feb 16, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
LOL. The Fulton County, Georgia grand jury was supposed to look into “possible attempts to disrupt the lawful administration” of the 2020 Election in Georgia

I guess they missed the fraudulent tally sheets showing batches of votes that went 100-0 (!) for Joe Biden Did they ask Ruby Freeman why she wanted to “go live” about the USB ports because it will “blow your mind”?

(That’s of course before the FBI swooped in, had her scrub her social media, and she got set up with 7 lawyers, including Hunter Biden’s ex-law partner)
Feb 2, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

President Donald J. Trump:

“The Columbia Journalism Review, in no way a conservative publication, conducted an 18-month investigation into the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax and has just issued its report. It is a STAGGERING, detailed account of the lies, disinformation… Image …and complete lack of journalistic integrity exhibited by the purveyors of Fake News at the Washington Compost (sometimes known as the Washington Post), the Failing New York Times, and many others.
This Fake News, with all of its disinformation, had a huge impact on the…
Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
My full comment:

“President Trump urged the crowd to ‘peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard’ on Jan. 6, a fact, just like the Unselect Committee, this biased judge deliberately omitted. Even the judge could not bring herself to conclude that President Trump… …instructed anyone to engage in violence, only to march to the Capitol to make their voices be heard. The violations of due process and unfair treatment of political prisoners by the U.S. government during this saga will forever be a stain on our country. This two-tiered…
Jan 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

President Donald J. Trump:

“So interesting to see that people are talking about the Border. When I was running in 2016, I was the only one talking about it, and then in 2020, there was nothing to talk about, because the Border was the best it has ever been… Image …drugs were at the lowest point in the last 40 years, our Border was secure with hundreds of miles of Wall built, and Mexican Soldiers were guarding our Border for free. So, before the Election took place, I couldn’t talk about the Border, because the Border wasn’t a problem…
Dec 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
What is a conspiracy to defraud the United States?

Intel officials conspiring together to lie about the Lap Top From Hell by claiming it was “Russian disinformation” so you can suppress the First Amendment and steal an election Conspiracy to defraud the US:

Hire Russians to lie that your opponent “colluded” with Russia to steal an election, when you actually did it, use it to spy on your opponents, and then when you lose the election illegally leak lies to keep spying and try to overturn the election