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Sep 12, 2021, 9 tweets

[thread] Quick observation on Sancho's passing vs Newcastle.

He tends to use a slower weight of pass, the kind that holds nicely along the grass and is easy to receive.
So what information can these passes convey?

#MUNNEW #mufc

- Naturally slows the tempo for the team, perhaps allowing players to evaluate their positioning.

- Tells the receiver they have time, conversely could draw opposition pressure onto them as the ball arrives.

- Gives impetus to the receiver to speed up play with their actions.

Allowing the receiver to arrive onto the ball in space.
1) AWB's poor touch prevents him driving forward.
2) A Ronaldo overlap, Sancho's execution poor.
3) Shaw and Sancho - well timed pass and underlap, shortly before Sancho was subbed off.

Rolling it into the path of the teammate, an invitation for a first time cross/shot.
The options weren't taken or the passes weren't quite right.

And for my favourites, the potential 1-2s. I love how the speed of pass allows just enough time for his run forward.

By the time Matic can play the passes, Sancho's in great positions. Unfortunately ignored presumably as
1) Matic not sure enough with his right foot.
2) Bruno blocks the pass, however a dummy would be on.

It's not all slow though, here's one nice example of a zipped in pass - a trigger to set off quick interchanges.

Sancho hasn't hit the ground running yet but I look forward to some of these moments coming off in the future as he integrates further.
Very exciting and interesting player. [end]

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