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Sep 12, 2021, 10 tweets

The bridges of Srinagar:

First bridge (Amira Kadal) was built by Afghan governor Amir Khan Sher Jawan in 1774-1777 with the help of local boatmen (Hanjis). With the help of this strong and sturdy class he also built Sher Garhi Palace on it. (1/n)

Second bridge (Habb’e Kadal) was been built by Sultan Habib Shah who reigned from 1557-1561 C.E. Some historians attribute its construction to Yusuf Shah Chak (1579-86) and is said to have been named after Habba Khatoon.
This bridge was rebuilt after the deluge of 1893. (2/n)

Third bridge (Fateh Kadal) was originally constructed  by Sultan Fateh Shah in 1520 C.E. It was an 88 yard long 3 Pier wooden Cantilever structure. (3/n)

Fourth bridge (Zaeine Kadal/Zaina Kadal), this 92 yard bridge was constructed by Zain-ul-Abidin (1420-74) in 1427 C.E. in 6 years. It was a typical wooden bridge of cantilever design and was aimed at being used as a market place as well. (4/n)

Fifth bridge (Aael Kadal) was built by brother of Zain-ul-Abidin, Sultan Ali Shah (1413-19) in 1415. Its is said to be named after Zain-ul-Abidin’s son. (5/n)

Sixth bridge (Nawa Kadal) is Named after one Nur Din Khan Bamzai in 1666 C.E. (6/n)

Seventh bridge (Safa Kadal) Built by Saif-ud-Din (Suha Bhatta), Chief Wazir of Sultan Sikandar and Ali Shah. Some historians attribute the building to Saif Khan during the reign of Aurangzeb. It used to be 60 yards long. (7/n)

Zero (Zor Kadal/Zar Kadal) and its naming: The zeroth bridge was constructed in 1950s. It is said to have been named so because traditionally the Amira Kadal bridge was regarded as the first bridge on the Jhelum as it entered Srinagar and the Zero bridge preceded this (8/n)

first bridge.

Another lesser known anecdote behind its etymology is that the Contractor of Zero Bridge, Sona Ullah Shora of Shore Garee Mohalla Nawab Bazar was hard of hearing (“zorr” in Kashmiri) and sadly even the (9/n)

section officer and assistant engineer were hard of hearing and thus the attribution of Zero bridge (Zearri bridge).(n/n)…

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