Sean Beckner-Carmitchel Profile picture
Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Sep 12, 2021, 6 tweets

Good morning! On a weekday drive, stumbled into a Get Out The Vote event with 2 people against the recall. There were rumors of a counter protest from the right wing but currently two people in support of a no vote in Long Beach.

One counter protestor leaving the area currently.

A few pedestrians have stopped by and grabbed pamphlets and/or buttons. A few vehicles (like this one) have shouted obscenities in favor of the recall.

One large truck driving by with pro-Recall paraphernalia hanging out the back.

One bicyclist in a MAGA hat stole a pro-Biden flag from the anti-Recall Get Out The Vote side.

Things continuing with two GOTV people on the street corner, and the lone counter protestor having left the area. Signing off for now, happy Sunday!

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