Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Sep 12, 2021, 7 tweets

This afternoon, a coalition of anti-war activists led by @codepink held a rally to cut Pentagon funding where they brought a cake shaped as the Pentagon, so they could literally cut it.

@medeabenjamin joked about the billions of dollars that each cake bite would represent.

Sean @SeanBlackmon9 with @pslweb and @answercoalition described the history of the anti-war movement over the past 20 years (receiving "boos" for a mention of Bush).

He describes how even other anti-war activists criticized ANSWER for protesting the war so early after 9/11.

"We have to stop the global violence, we have to divest from global violence," said anti-war veteran andDC organizer @ReddIsAri.

"If they can spend $300 million per day in Afghanistan, they can invest $20 billion to house everybody. That's a one-time investment."

Here is Afeni @ReddIsAri's full speech today. I wanted to highlight this as an important perspective from a military vet speaking about divesting military spending and re-investing it in communities.

Co-founder of @codepink @MsJodieEvans described that there is a broader coalition of organizations and movements in support of the "Cut the Pentagon" message, and they intend to continue being engaged with those dozens of other groups.

"Let's build something big and beautiful!"

Here is my full @N2Sreports summary video with highlights from today's @codepink action to "Cut the Pentagon" - literally - by bringing a cake shaped as the Pentagon.

As always, all footage available to license.

PHOTOS from today's @codepink action to "Cut the Pentagon" - literally - by bringing a cake shaped as the Pentagon.

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