Four Aces Profile picture
♠️♠️♠️♠️ There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot. - JFK

Sep 12, 2021, 5 tweets


" Preparing for the the BIG GAME takes team mates that can be trusted using the best equipment there is. "

🎶 Wish You Were Here 🎶

" It's always Good to Learn, early on, to Not get the Cart before the Horse. Or, at least to Not let the Load you Carry to get your Goat. "

" The Preparation and Life Experiences never come too early considering how soon the Game begins. But sometimes, inexplicably, if too much is found out about some Rules, players may be pulled out of the game ENTIRELY, especially if the Game is called.
But, exposure is BEST. "

"Those that REALLY play ball can wear uniforms from entirely different bolts of cloth made at different times, but can still be worn the SAME NUMBER OF YEARS before being cast aside.
Vintage uniforms can be cherished even after 42 years for the joy they gave to the Game."

! !/22

" There are those that know where the bodies are buried. They normally sit behind a desk.
There are others who bury last year's desk in 'White Sands' so money for next year's desk will be received.
He that speaks of THAT burial may well see what the 'Hollo man' is capable of."

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