♠️♠️♠️♠️ There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot. - JFK
10 subscribers
Apr 17, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
" Why would Seth's parents give Sean such a hassle?
To make [DS] think there was a problem and off guard ?"
" Maybe there could have been another very good reason why Sean and Ainsley had decided to spend time together privately in the face of such public scrutiny. After all, Family IS Everything. And ONE thing can always lead to something MUCH more. "
Apr 7, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
" Fully Flanked and Immersed in the Unending Power of God, President Donald Trump remains insulated and protected as Profoundly Brave Patriots pledge their lives to take back our Great Country and return power to the People. "
" Theree's only ONE way. "
🎶 Eye of the Storm 🎶
Apr 5, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
" The great thing about Sean's time slot is that he's always A GOOD MAN to Follow up with if you miss Tucker. And there's always a little whiff of Musk in the room. "
" Considering who comes before, the term 'ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER' takes on a new and significant meaning. "
Mar 25, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
" The unsheathed Sword of Justice. Clearly visible, it's Justice is transparent. A Double edge sword that cuts both ways, making both parties subject to the Rule of Law based on the True evidence, thereby making enforceable the ruling of the innocent. "
"The STRINGS have all been Cut. "
" Who controls the Narrative ?
Who REALLY controls the Narrative?
Why is The Keystone so Important?
Family is EVERYTHING. "
Jan 11, 2022 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
" Ha... and they thought Nancy Was the only One. "
" Of course, Tucker only mentioned it to keep the attention 'over There' instead of 'over Here' for a little while longer. "
Jan 2, 2022 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
" The Queen Of Comedy is Dead, Long Live the Queen."
Family is Everything
Dec 20, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
" So many Others So much Better Equipped. "
" But how ELSE d'is there to let YOU KNOW ? "
" Dark to LIGHT "
🎶Concerto No. 60 for 2 equal viols in D major, "Le Majestueux"🎶
Dec 7, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
" What would it be like after four years of HER? "
" Preparing for the the BIG GAME takes team mates that can be trusted using the best equipment there is. "
🎶 Wish You Were Here 🎶
" It's always Good to Learn, early on, to Not get the Cart before the Horse. Or, at least to Not let the Load you Carry to get your Goat. "
Sep 11, 2021 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
" If it weren't for the underlying Comms from Someone I trust.... "
" ... today would have been the [ END ]
For Me. "
" There is A 'No Other Way' ."
[ R ]
Sep 11, 2021 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
"What was the Reason for The PLAN? A profound loss and injustice?
The loss of a Father?
Could a solemn vow to find a TRUTH include more than one person, like a son? Big sister maybe? Could siblings with resources conduct the Biggest Sting Operation in History?"
" What could One Learn if they were in a Position to Follow The Money ?"
Sep 9, 2021 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
" There is kindness in the AIR.
Watching the speech keeps me from talking to myself.
Proof that I'm not living in an Island somewhere. "
⭐ President Donald J Trump speech Pensacola, FL 12/8/17 ⭐
" The speech that Leaves Everybody w'nting more is the BEST speech... The BEST. "
How did we win ?
Did the TEAM take [EVERYONE] out before they posted the first Q on 10/28/17?
No / YES?
Who won the WAR before waging the first battle?
Who helped?
Who directed them?
❗Site 17. GCHQ Bude – Weaponising Big Data❗ fraw.org.uk/frn/wbd/17-bud…
Who was being spied on?
Was Trump Tower the target?
Was Trump Tower REALLY the target?
Who THOUGHT they were the ones doing the spying?
Was the 'end run' by Adm. Rogers just a ploy ?
How do you trap a wild animal?
❗At least 32 Sacramento students stranded in Afghanistan❗ dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
"When there is a 'Union' between Radical anti-American brainwashing and the Pliable minds of Young, innocent children, who is there to insure Accountability for the damage ?"
" How long does it take to conduct the biggest sting operation in history?
To what lengths will a Small Band of True Patriots go to Uncover the TRUTH ?
Who could you TRUST?
What is at stake ?"
⭐Anthony Radziwill - Peabody Award⭐ variety.com/1999/scene/peo…
" Over time how can one, with an established excellence in journalism, begin exposing the [INFILTRATION] of an Evil presence into an unsuspecting society ?
[infiltration instead of invasion] on [THEM] ?"