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Ideas to turn your website's browsers into buyers | Founder @ Pagetear (Copywriting for SaaS, eComm, and Agencies — book a call below)

Sep 13, 2021, 14 tweets

Great writing makes millions.

OK writing makes nothing.

Here are 11 copywriting frameworks to help you sell your ideas:

Before – After – Bridge

How it works:

Identify the current problem. Imagine a world where the problem has been solved. Write the step by step for how to get to that solution.

Where it's most effective:

Product copy


Problem – Agitate – Solve

How it works:

Identify a problem in your copy and show a clear understanding of the potential pain. Poke the wound a little more with emotional copy that elaborates on the pain. Offer your clear solution.

Where it's most effective:



Features – Advantages – Benefits

How it works:

Open a sheet. In one column, write out product features. In the next, write out advantages for each feature. Lastly, write the benefits of the advantages. Use benefits as your copy.

Where it's most effective:

Landing pages


The 4 C’s

How it works:

Ensure that your copy is...


Where it's most effective:

In editing


The 4 U’s

How it works:

Ensure that your copy is...

Ultra Specific

Where it's most effective:

In editing



How it works:

Grab the user's attention first. Segue into an interesting fact or question. Pique their interest by making a connection to their desires. Invite them to action.

Where it's most effective:

Email and Sales


5 Basic Objections

How it works:

Respond to these 5 objections...

1. I don’t have enough time
2. I don’t have enough money
3. It won’t work for me
4. I don’t believe you
5. I don’t need it

Where it's most effective:

Sales Pages


Reader’s Digest Blueprint

How it works:

The magazine has a way of capturing attention. Articles must be...

- full of facts
- contain few adjectives
- arouse curiosity
- specific

Where it's most effective:

Long-form Content


3 Reasons Why

How it works:

Your copy must answer the following 3 questions...

1. Why are you the best?
2. Why should I believe you?
3. Why should I buy right now?

Where it's most effective:

Competitive Copy


Awareness – Comprehension – Conviction – Action

How it works:

Present the problem. Help them understand why that problem matters. Create a desire for them to fix the problem. Invite them to take action.

Where it's most effective:

Email and Sales


So what?

How it works:

Whenever a claim is made in your copy, ask yourself: "So what?" Why does that matter? Write out your answers. Gold nuggets lie in your responses to that question.

Where it's most effective:



For regular knowledge, follow me @heyblake!

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